Mike Young's CS Webpage

Welcome to my CS webpage. Some info about me: I'm a senior here at UW majoring in Computer Science and Communication Arts. I'm currently taking Intro. to Computer Graphics (559) and Intro. to Programming Languages and Compilers (536). As far as Communication Arts is concerned, production-wise, I have taken Intro. to Video Production (355) and Advanced Video Production (651).

My interests include stop-motion animation, video production, graphics and game programming (C/C++, Z80 assembly on the TI-85), and home theater.

I just finished my Graphics Town Project for CS559! It is built off my Trains and Roller Coasters program. It features a flying interface that I wrote from scratch which is much more intuitive than the one I used in Trains and Roller Coasters. I also made cars with simple AI. In addition, I captured all textures used from around campus. See what textures you can recognize! I made a lite version with lower resolution textures for people who do not have broadband.
Pictures: [ 1 | 2 | 3 ]

Be sure to check out my Trains and Roller Coasters project for CS559! It's a program where you can design and ride your own roller coaster. It features C2 cubic splines for the track segments, multiple track and train views, 3D interface, true 3D train movement (allowing for vertical loops and barrel rolls), parallel tracks, conservation of train energy, save and load track feature, among other features. It is pretty sweet.
Pictures: [ 1 | 2 | 3 ]

Links to my websites:

Mike's Shorts My stop-motion animation website.

Mike's Home Theater My front-projection home theater website.

YounGGameS My old programming website.

This site was created by Michael Young on September 29, 2003 and
was last updated on September 29, 2003.

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